Monday, March 16, 2020

Make a difference. Be best. [Pandemic]

(2.75 minute read) 

Too little. Too late.

Okay, obviously it’s already too late for wide-scale testing to do much good when it comes to stopping the spread. People shouldn’t be alarmed when the first numbers start coming in. The numbers will go up. The graph will be steep until it isn’t. We’re getting ready to see in spades the graph that Dr. Fauci warned us about. The curve has NOT been flattened. The human toll will be greatly magnified.

The aggressive early response never happened. History will remind others of all the mistakes that were made and lessons that were learned. What’s happened and is to come will be a study of what NOT to do when faced with a pandemic.

There will be needless worrying about something that is already here. It’s kind of like waiting for the results to come back from a test. The answer is already known. It was known when the test was finished or in the case of the United States when the novel coronavirus cases were announced. The ‘knowing’ is the issue.

 Dogs sleeping with cats time.

Before you can fill a hole in you have to first stop digging it.

Whether average people could have or should have done something different is immaterial. All the worry in the world won’t change one second of the past. If you’ve been doing the wrong things then stop doing them. That’s the best you can do.

There isn’t always a right decision. There’s the decision that you have to make.

There be a lot of you should “do this” and/or “please do that” by those that are supposed to be in charge. Don’t hang out in groups of 50. Don’t hang out in groups of 10. Don’t hang out. Don’t hang out with yourself.

This will be the dogs sleeping with cats time. Probably within the next couple of weeks the decision will finally be made to shut it all down. It’ll be a desperation move then.

People will do some horrible things. They already have. Those surrounded with mounds of toilet paper will have that type of person to be quarantined with. There’s no sense listing the ugliness. It’s always there anyway. But don’t forget. Deal with them later.


Let’s start a list instead of all those who will make a difference.

There will be some awesomely incredible people who rise up to meet the occasion. These are the people that will carry the day. They already have. They’re doing it now. These are all of the hero nurses and doctors that have been on the front lines since the beginning. The health care providers. From the janitors that clean up to the doctors in the ER. There will be firemen and police officers that will continue to step up just as they always do.

There will be other groups of awesome people as well. There will be heroes too numerous to mention them all. The people that show up to see that we can get groceries, medications, gas and all of the other necessities. That person checking out your groceries is awesome. There will be the workers that keep our utilities going. Parents caring for their children as best they can. People taking care of oldsters. People looking after strangers. Strangers doing the same.

Add who you want to this list.

This is what will define us.

Make a difference.